Online currency exchange
Check real-time online currency exchange rates and exchange up to 38 different currencies at low rates.
Online currency exchange service

Real-time rates
Access live rate quotes before a conversion is made

Secure and reliable
We store your funds in a segregated client account in one of Europe's leading credit institutions.
Full reporting
Monitor the currency exchange fees and transactions with full FX rate reporting.
Online currency exchange rate calculator:
This information is provided for reference only. Actual rates are calculated on a case-by-case basis.
1 USD = 0.825361 EUR
How to use our online currency exchange services
Convert currencies at wholesale rates for maximum value and make payments in 38 currencies to over 180 countries with ease.
Log in to your Payset account and click on "Currency Exchange."
Choose the currencies you wish to exchange and check the real-time rate.
Confirm the rate and the exchange will be executed. Your new balance will now be visible in your account.
How companies would benefit from Payset's currency exchange service?

Manage global payroll
- Easily pay staff in their own currency
- Automate your FX payments
- Ensure tax and regulatory compliance

Power ecommerce
- Make quick, low-fee currency exchanges
- Work with up to 38 currency pairs
- Expand the reach of your business

Pay freelancers globally
- Expand by offering services in more regions
- Get paid your way with no delays
- Offer clients more flexible payment options

Manage affiliate programs
- Pay partners in their local currency
- Save huge time and money on FX
- Track payments and exchanges in one dashboard

Simplify start-up operations
- Easily manage international staff and clients
- Save money on all international transfers
- Make instant exchanges within your account

Participate in global marketplaces
- Accept payments from around the world
- Open opportunities with new ecommerce marketplaces
- Save tons of money on exchange fees

- Make instant, low-fee FX transfers
- Pay and get paid in up to 38 currencies
- Save by moving money between currency pairs

B2B payments
- Make quick, low-fee currency exchanges
- Make B2B payments in your partners’ local currency
- Make instant exchanges within your account

Small businesses
- Receive and easily exchange foreign currencies
- Track payments and exchanges in one dashboard
- Save tons of money on exchange fees
book a demo
Payset makes cross-border banking easy, affordable, and secure. Speak with one of our experts to explore the benefits of opening a Payset account.
book a demoHow do I get started?

Say hi
Meet our amazing team, share a few details about your business, and leave us your contact info.

Get on board
An account executive will guide you through the onboarding process for your
Payset IBAN account, which is quick and easy to set up.

Enjoy using it
Log in to your account to manage your funds 24/7 and enjoy the low fees and fast execution of your Payset IBAN account.
asked questions
What currencies can I exchange?
With Payset’s currency exchange services, you can convert funds in up to 38 different foreign currencies, including USD, EUR, and GBP. These currencies will all be stored and can be accessed via your Payset account.
What are the fees for currency exchange with Payset?
While the market exchange rate between foreign currencies will change daily, you can take advantage of Payset’s online currency exchange features to make better value wholesale transactions.
Can I exchange currencies within my Payset account?
When you exchange foreign currencies these are stored within your Payset account. To exchange currencies within your Payset account, simply log into your account and use our online currency exchange service.
Can I deposit funds from a bank in a different currency?
Your business can exchange foriegn currencies and make payments to any bank account in 180 different countries. Make global payroll easier by paying international members of staff and freelancers in their own local currency.
Are there minimum and maximum amounts I can exchange?
There is no minimum or maximum amount of money you can exchange. Simply log into your Payset account, select the currency you want to exchange to and how much.
Payment solutions to boost your business